

As I began to play around with knotting, I remember looking at some macrame plant hangers and thinking "this is amazing". That this little rope, with an arrangement of knots is holding this plant, dirt, and clay pot in an effortless way, floating from the ceiling, its beautiful.

At first, I thought I was drawn to just exploring all the different ways to create a macrame piece. I couldn’t stop making plant hangers, all different, I ran out of places to put them. I gave many away for awhile, but that wasn’t enough…I don’t know many people. Then as I became more proficient, I realized it wasn't that I could not duplicate the same design twice, but more so that I wasn't being called to repeat the same design. The ego mind had been telling me I needed to pick a few designs, and to make as many as I could as fast as I could. As well as outside influence, advice from well intentioned folks, told me to do large production runs, repeat simple designs for max capitalistic outcome. As life continued, and I turned to my macrame to bring me back to the present moment, all my pieces were unique. The ego mind told me…I can't sell pieces that are all different, that didn't always take a certain amount of time to create. What would people think? What would businesses I wanted to be carried in think? How could I financially be compensated for the time and energy put into the pieces? How could I offer a price that was affordable to most? 

My soul, the true self, told me keep making unique pieces, snowflake plant hangers if you will. I came to the realization people would appreciate having a one of kind plant hanger. That I didn't need to make mass amounts of simple designs to sell them for cheap or to make a profit. That is already available to folks. 

After I decided to stay in my truth and continue to create Divine Knot as unique channeled art pieces. I “shuffled” behind telling the world what these pieces actual are. I would sell my pieces as art, which they are, but JUST as home decor art pieces.

Each of my pieces take more than an hour, more often they take many days. They hang from my ceiling for several days (often times weeks) with a ceramic pot, full of dirt and a plant. This is to test them to make sure they are structurally sound, but also to see if they raise the vibration in the room. I place crystals and stones in, on and around them. I smudge, meditate and pray for the piece to elevate the space. I go back in and edit sometimes, other times the design comes through in one sitting. Every knot is a blessing meant for you.

These knots are my ancestral lineage. I am building grids, each knot, a code or prayer or spell depending your preferred language. These pieces are there to clear, elevate, ground and protect the space, possibly help you receive a message that is for highest growth. They are meant to be an alter, holding your plants, talismans, amulets, crystals/stones, spell jars, orgonites, feathers, and all your earthly treasures you feel called to include. It is your altar after all.

These pieces are created by me through divine channeling, hence the chosen name Divine Knot.

Divine Knot pieces are made with cotton rope, some rope also has a synthetic cord inside. I use inexpensive hardware store clothesline. I use metal rings or metal hardware often, one or more you will find. You will also find “found” objects in some pieces, reusing and repurposing is important. I source all my metal hardware from a small Portland business or from my found objects. Any wood used in my pieces are from scraps, material that would have been thrown out. Any color rope is hand dyed naturally, and will fade over time in the sun, and that is okay. I use modest mediums intentionally.

Warmly, Divine Knot